Wednesday, January 30, 2008


back to front
north to south
alpha to omega
top to bottom
east to west
beginning to end
i love you all

there, i said it.
now i'm scared to leave my room
where the hell do i start?

Monday, January 28, 2008


atomic forces see that nothing touches nothing
like when we leave our homes and the walls come with us

Monday, January 14, 2008


At certain times there are no logic lines to follow, no guiding emotions, just infinite arbitrary choices. Not funny, not sad, not anything. Spiritual blindness. Intellectual chaos. A cognitive fever evolved to defend against harmful invasive thought patterns. A soulful master cleanse. Fasting from sleep lets the mind break-down dream residue buildups thus clearing neural passageways and increasing the flow of creativity. Pattern breaking is an essential step to good health when not observed on a regular basis.

Monday, January 7, 2008


no not yet
don't say that
stupid idea
never say that again
you look so silly
clumsy, fragile
you're so weak
get away from me
you bore me
not very bright are you
you're embarrassing me
that hurts
how awkward was that?
you're failing yet you're trying so hard
remember the last time