Wednesday, November 2, 2011

progress the myth

maybe by 'progressing' into living in skyscrapers and mastering earth's natural resources and carrying the internet in our pockets we've lost precisely the same amount as we've gained and we've reached adulthood as our species begins to mature and break down like everything else and make room for something new - nobody thinks of a song as progressing or aging or dying - it just plays

Monday, July 4, 2011


life is love in service
death is love released
war is love misguided
joy is love at peace

Thursday, June 9, 2011


dark thoughts happen
(like thunder clouds)
settle in and watch them pass

Saturday, May 21, 2011

i can

i can make a noise
big or small
of love or hate or something in between
but the noise is all i have

i can't

i can't live forever
i can't keep everyone safe
i can't eat without killing plants
i can't make anything without damaging something else
i can't make everyone love me
i can't avoid pain
i can't grow taller or shrink smaller
i can't own enough
i can't leave this world without making a difference

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

all my wisdom

do it, son
because before you know it
it will be done

Monday, January 17, 2011

algebraic certainty

understand what i believe
that in the end there will not be

a you
a me
a he
a she

our sum is zero
variables are we
untwisted from infinity

this is love

this is free

process of assimilation

plugged my life into facebook
uploaded my mind to the cloud
outsourced my dreams to Hollywood
i google my way around

what am i

a painter without a paintbrush
a room without a door
a question without an answer
a warrior without a war

a child without a mother
a game without a score
a beach without a waterfront
a ceiling






motionless body
thought-drunk mind
my self watches myself get stuck